Monday 19 September 2011

What Really Grinds My Gears.

Good Afternoon Citizens of the world!

As I was driving to class this morning I overheard an interesting conversation on the radio this morning, They were talking about how people stand in line at movie theaters or fast food places and brought up a good point. A lot of them stand there and act as though they don't know what they want. Now I don't know about you guys but I for one know what I want before I get there. Example: I've been going to McDonalds since forever and I always order the exact same thing (I thought everyone else did the exact same thing) But apparently I'm wrong. Hell I could recite that entire menu on command if I had to.

That was part one of the aforementioned conversation which I found oddly gripping. I think the same thing applies to movies to. They mentioned that but I agree. I mean ok fine there are going to be one off's where couples show up and say "No Hun You choose" and all of that pointless banter and lets face it folks... that's going to happen wherever you go so no point in getting uppity about it. But really I think that most of us go to these places with pre-perceived notions of what we're going to watch/eat and I don't know particularly why but it still angers me even though I expect it to happen.


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